So, it's apparently been a really really long time since I did a good update, and per the request of a special person I shall write something.
Topics to be covered:
How am I doing How is school Upcoming events Anything I may have missed How am I doing
I'm currently in a good mood, best I've been in for quite some time, might have something to do with yesterday night but I won't elaborate. Other then that I'm just drifting like usual, doing what I know needs to be done, and trying to have fun along the way.
As I consistently say to people when they ask me this question "School is school, and it sucks". I have so much going on this semester that I'm kinda kicking myself. I've got a full 18 credit load of classes (not easy ones either), three different jobs (UC Webmaster, MCS Tutor, SAFEWalk), and then there is the always lovely SAD project.
Currently I'm spending alot of time working on this oh so lovely paper that I have to write for Cross Cultural Communications, and to give you an idea of how "nice" this paper is here's the requirements:
In conjunction with the video American Tongues (shown in class), use at least three essays from the text to analyze a prejudicial and/or discriminatory interaction involving you and a person from a different culture (or co-culture). The focus of your analysis should concern how language use triggers attitudes that lead to negative evaluations between the persons involved. Feel free to discuss nonverbal norms that might have increased the difficulty between you and the other person.
Basically, I’m looking for three things. First, I want to see if you can tell a good story. Second, I want to see if you can develop a conceptual base for the good story you tell. This includes utilizing at least three outside sources in addition to the text essays. Third, I want to see if you can make readings-based suggestions regarding how the interaction could have turned out more favorably. The class readings (includings some readings from the text that are not assigned), videos and discussion should assist you in developing the conceptual base. You’re on your own as far as telling the story is concerned.
The paper should be 9-10 pages (not including Title Page and References). The grading criteria for the paper is as follows:
Paper Uniqueness and Innovation
Ability to Integrate Outside Sources
Evidence of Textbook Reading and Understanding of Course Concepts
Writing Ability
Overall Effort
Each criterion is worth 20 points. Your paper should be double-spaced, in 12 point font, with one inch margins all around. The paper should be presented according to the guidelines established in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition).
So yeah, kinda working on that one right now, and when I get board of that I either attempt some of the SAD work, or I just zone out for a few minutes (thank you video games).
Upcoming events
Thanksgiving is coming up shortly which makes me very happy.
Looking into taking a few of my friends who have never been to White Castle to White Castle this coming weekend. They are in for such a treat.
Got the Symphonic Wind Ensamble (SWE) concert tonight, really looking forward to hearing them (specially since I know a few of the people in SWE).
Christmas is just around the corner, so I've been starting to think about things to get the few people I care about. I've already gotten one taken care of, she'll hate me for it, but I'll do it anyway.
Anything I may have missed
After having a very fun night yesterday I came to realization that I've changed alot since I started school. Case in point would be how I am now willing to go out and be social with people.
Also, I found a very nice and fun person to hang around with. She's probably reading this right now thinking "what a dork" ... and she's right.
Can't really think of anything else I've missed, so on that note, I'll leave you with this very nice proof: