Dec 24, 2010 17:59
The professors of LU, the whole lot of them- including Mister Jared Montour and Rory Kirkland-Stewart- can each expect to have at their doorsteps delivered a bottle of what looks to be home brewed 60 proof Serbian Slivovitz (according to the nicely done up labels) and a small box of Christmas pears along with a hand written note that reads:
May your holidays be exceptional.
-Mihailo Marić, Liberty University Department of Mathematics
[On Nicoletta's cell phone is a missed call and a message left on her voice mail. Two voices, one is Marić, the other his brother Nikola. Much revelry is heard in the background. Some sort of singing in Serbian.]
"Sora mea-!"
"Suntem înapoi în Novi Sad şi vă doresc fost aici."
"Haha, Mihailo este atât de irosite, ar trebui să-l vezi."
"Sora, sora, Ajun Fericit!"
"Au, pe care tocmai aţi păşit pe-mea-"
"Fiţi veseli şi gay şi nu uitaţi să se pronunţe asupra majore dvs, astfel încât puteţi să vă înscrieţi în această primăvară!"
"Aw, nu o prelegere pe vacanţă, frate."
"Now Nikola-"
"It's not even Christmas yet you know."
"It is in America. And we're celebrating aren't we?"
"Because Aunt Popović is getting married."
"Well, enjoy yourself Nicky- Fasting's over isn't it-?"
"Oi, Nikola- look at this-"
[The message ends with a nice, cheerful BEEEP followed by another.]
"Don't worry- we managed to stop him from dismantling the family car. Take care!"
sora mea,
does not compute,
epsilon less than