Who is Obi-Wan shouting YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE! to Steve as he lies on the banks of DRM?

Feb 26, 2006 11:24

PostSecret 2.26.06 - Favs are "I am just going through the motions" and "Deuce not Juice".


If you aren't rabid about the pending Apple Event on the 28th (intel mac mini seems a given based on Apple not accepting any more bulk orders atm, I personally wouldn't mind a intel iBook but there should be some iPod news too) then you're bitching (aka whipping a dead horse) over iTunes FairPlay DRM. I will never support DRM, which in my mind is simply punishing the people who do pay instead of the people who don't. But here's the thing: FairPlay is not that bad as far as DRM goes. Would you rather be using PlaysForSure which first off DOES NOT, and second has even more heinous issues like it constantly needs to be updated through an internet connection or it'll stop, not so with FairPlay. You want to fry some fish? Try something a little bigger like the impending HDCP bullshit. Am I worried that this will be the future? No mang, consumers won't stand for this just like they didn't stand for not being able to copy VHS tapes and so forth. But what it will do is slow the adoption of HD technology and that's a BAD thing. HD was sitting there for a fucking decade before anyone even tried selling it, and now you're going to delay the adoption of the future of our industry even further? Cause this is all this will accomplish. Right at the beginning you'll have the videophiles who will jump right on it, too bad they're also the whiniest group of customers you have. They'll run into one of the content-protection road blocks and they will whine so loud that people either won't buy or if they do they'll do so safe in the knowledge that they're simply going to crack the protection anyway if they run into one of those said road blocks. I own a few iTunes, they only ever get played on my computer or my iPod so I haven't cracked them. But if they ever change that or I really want to do something within my own fair rights I have no issues cracking them. Because I CAN. Don't fret people, as long as they want us to watch the content there will always be a way to crack it, all they do is delay the adoption of new technology and the content which utilizes the technologies potential. And that's a pain in the ass.

I'm also not worried because of something new that you old farts may not have heard of... THE INTERWEB! Podcasting and video casting is free and clear atm and that's because it's a reaction against the old way of doing things. It's the future of our industry, have fun with it, studios and their ilk aren't in as much control as they think. Besides, how much do studio big-wigs know anyways? (this is one of those "click on fucktards it's worth it" moments)


So Amber and I are currently wet in our jockey's over Lost. The show has some kind of magical quality to it that I can't describe. If there's any critique I have it would only be to get on with solving the mysteries of the island as it seems to be taking forever, but that's more because that's what I'm watching for than anything else and I can't stand the cliff-hangers. ;) Needless to say it gives me a little bit of hope for this turd on the horizon, and will have me there opening night, it's just with captain short-stack involved everything seems just a little tainted doesn't it?

My storylines seem to be coming together quite nicely. Currently the story I want to do with Timesplitters is a six episode season, and I should be able to do everything in that time frame and it's a smaller experiment than doing twelve as I originally planned. After that I have an idea for a feature length project which should be fun. And after that... who knows I guess after a couple of experiments it'll come down to whether or not I'll have any sort of audience actually following this stuff or not and if everyone I have involved is still having a good time with it. If those two things are there then I guess I'll just continue... but that's a year down the road so wtf am I doing talking about it.

Actually just thinking about this: I still haven't gotten an answer about how the guys like Red vs. Blue and The Codex are able to sell the content on DVD. Anyone know how you could make a show using the Halo-engine and then legitimately be able to sell it?
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