where are the karma police?!

Feb 14, 2011 01:33

Ugh. This has nearly been the weekend from Hell. WTF. When is something gonna just give already?!

I went to work and I was absolutely dreading it. The stupid Justin Bieber movie came out on Friday and so did Gnomeo & Juliet so I knew it was gonna be a madhouse. Turns out, I was right. We sold out all four theaters for all three shows. So I was working the concession stand with Carrie, Leo was in box office, and Rob was ripping tickets and cleaning theaters and shit. It was crazzzzzzy, but we got a chance to go to the dollar store during our break and I bought, like, Chex Mix and candy and shit. So I ate a bunch of that shit and ended up getting really sick. My stomach started cramping and I felt like I was going to throw up and got to a point where I literally couldn't stand up because my stomach hurt so bad. Carrie tried calling a bunch of people who weren't working, asking them to come in, but nobody would. Not even Andy, which really pissed me off since I do so much for him. Anyway, after a little bit I asked my manager if I could leave and he said no. So Leo switched with me so I could just sit in box and not do much and I found out Tim was going around telling everyone I was just faking and shit and I just got so upset from being screwed over by people and people not having my back and I was like crying and writhing in pain in box until ten o'clock when my manager finally said I could leave. My stomach didn't stop hurting for the rest of the night and I was furious at almost everyone I work with.

Saturday was actually pretty good. I woke up late and went hiking with Amy. It was super icy and there was snow everywhere, but it was pretty warm out and it was nice to get outside and just be next to the river and the mountain with the trees and everything. After that we went out to dinner and then we went back to her house for a sleepover. We watched Anne of Green Gables, which is absolutely delightful if anyone hasn't seen it, and we colored and it was sooooo nice. Then we talked until we fell asleep.

Today at work was pretty shitty. The Justin Bieber madness hasn't died down so cleaning theaters was a BITCH. Then Andy was a jerk, of course. He barely even said hi to me and was flirting with this other girl who works there the whole time and then left. Then I got into a sort of fight with Tim when he was like 'what's wrong what's wrong' and I brought up Friday and it was just a shit show. But after work I hung out with Carrie and Amy and that was nice.

I feel like I haven't gotten any rest this weekend though. I need another day to chill out and recuperate. Ugh. I hate everyone sometimes. I don't know how awful Valentine's Day is going to be either. =/

I hope you all have an awesome, lovely Valentine's Day! I love you all- you're so great!
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