Lost fic: The Fourth, in Hawaii [Sawyer/Jack, drabble]

Jul 07, 2007 11:46

Disclaimer: Lost is not mine
Prompt: lostsquee drabble, independence. fanfic100 #63, summer. (I already did their "independence" prompt -- who knew?)

The Fourth, in Hawaii
by eponine119
July 7, 2007

For awhile it works, trying to forget the past.

Rainbow shave ice burns his teeth. Nothing on the island was this cold. Bees buzz, craving sugar. Jack flinches when they come too near.

Then the Dole Plantation, far from the mountains and the sea. Land here is farmland-flat, foreign. Jack gawks at the alien, upside-down plants. Sawyer yawns.

He loses Jack in the maze, half on purpose. When he closes his eyes, he can feel the sweat seeping from his skin and hear his hard breath echoing. There's only a moment until Jack will call him. He holds on, waiting.


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