This, specifically. DS's response was "Of course they did"; his time with the ravens at the aviary was split pretty evenly on the question of who was training whom.
Tonight was supposed to be the city council public hearing on the final subdivision proposals here in our neighbourhood, and it's been put off until next month. They blocked four hours for it, assuming correctly that it's gonna get shouty: if I lived in the condos the other side of Shepard Way (and Friend M. of the awesome enclosed garden does), I wouldn't want my sole access taken up with construction equipment for 18 months, either. At least the discussion around building a food waste anaerobic biodigester out at the transfer station is going ahead - the trial unit at Harbour Pub was very well received and the compost was gorgeous. Not as amusing as watching people argue over potential ugly buildings, but you take your fun where you find it.
(Not funny, but I want to write it down: the other item on the agenda is working out how to encourage more medical personnel/facilities to move to the island. Bainbridge Island is now a federally designated health care shortage area. 6000 of the 8000 residents who were patients with the Swedish clinic that closed last July still don't have a provider; for the curious, that's nearly 25% of the local population. The only place here that's still accepting patients without conditions is Bainbridge Pediatrics: Virginia Mason has a wait list and MemberPlus Family Health is on a concierge medicine model.)