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Feb 22, 2022 10:31

By which I mean it is cold; I have had to move my potted bay tree into the entryway. We have a dusting of snow; Goddaughter K. had a power outage and couldn't get out of the driveway on the first go, and Camano Island (in between Whidbey, where she lives, and the mainland) got six inches!

Happily Dear Friend H. and I did our outings Friday and yesterday. She texted on Friday to ask if I would come with her to the shops after work: she had to pick up groceries and was completely unmotivated. We stopped at Starbucks first, as she had a gift card from the parent of a student she wanted to use up, and ordered pistachio lattes. This was a mistake. The two of us on caffeine and sugar . . . well, it's a good thing there was a lot of walking involved. I wound up taking two of her shopping bags and walking her as far as the front door of her building after the stop at T&C: two tote bags, four bags of groceries, I was hardly going to let her wrestle that by herself even for two blocks.

Yesterday we went to Pegasus Coffee House to check out the gluten-free donuts - of which there were none. "Tuesdays and Fridays!" chirped the woman behind the counter. We settled on hot cocoa and sat outside in the sun, greeting the finches looking for crumbs and admiring the light on the water, as Pegasus is on the harbour. The post office lobby was open and the kiosk was working, so I was able to post K. and H.'s birthday presents, got a bit more milk at T&C (which is next door) and said good-bye there.
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