Aug 12, 2004 16:42
So, I just got an email from Dr. Bohstedt about the philosophy of mind course this fall. Here’s what she had to say (eeee!):
“Folks, Good brave people that you are, you've signed up for one of the most challenging and difficult topics of the early 21st century. I will march you quickly thru the debates from 1960 on, and then we'll land inthe nether-land of consciousness-studies, with Dan Dennett (there is no such's an illusion created by our wonderful brains) to David Chalmers (oh yes there is, and you science can't capture it).
Dennett is meeting with us on Oct 26 for a video conference, to discuss whatever you guys want to ask him. He's charming, smart, quick, and you'd better be quick on your feet to keep him interested! David Chalmers would have been willing, but is moving to Australia (his native land) in Aug, but he encourages all of you to submit questions about his book as they arise.
So, HEY: what more could you ask for????
A VIDEO CONFERENCE WITH DANIEL DENNETT?!?!?!?! Oh god I love philosophy! It’s such a wonderful community. Everyone knows everyone. Now, as some of you may know, I am probably more well versed in Dennett than in any other philosopher. His book Consciousness Explained was the first real philosophy book I read back in high school when my interest in free will led me to an even bigger interest in the philosophy the mind. So for me this is like meeting (or at least having direct (however indirect--by means of hyperreality) and personal correspondence with) a favorite musician or actor(ess) or something along those lines. So yeah, this is fucking awesome. I’m fucking excited. Oh hell yeah!