Mar 01, 2023 13:48
'Dublin Narcos' promo
'Stolen Youth' trailer
Watched some of 'Bill Russell: Legend': there are highlight reels. A career was built on bizz. There was hype and pageantry. There is talk of button down sweaters. This was inexorable press fodder. There was bias and advocacy. There was an upward trip.
Best Lines:
“Game worn jerseys.”
“Weren't supposed to be reading.”
'WCW' Quotes:
“Selling meat from a truck in Minneapolis!”
“I was selling out the world brother while they were bumming gas to put in their car to get to high school!”
'RTE News' Quotes:
“Matter of last resort.”
“Petition of concern.”
'BBC News' Quotes:
“Still have hope.”
“Presence at them.”
“Not end in the way we would like.”
“We're reasonable people.”
'Sky News' Quotes:
“Stay undiscovered.”
“Have been troubling.”
'Channel 4 News' Quotes:
“Very carefully worded.”
“Holding statement.”
“Nobody has come out to attack this.”
“The form that we have known it.”
'The Irish Times' Quotes:
“A special treat for him to find later.”
“Hoping for a little professional solidarity at this most haunting of moments.”
“Grisly gauntlet.”
“Explained to a satisfactory level,”
“Utility arrears.”
“Explanatory statement.”
“Determined by chance:”
“Denied reports that he was seen vomiting into a wastebin.”
“Horrific performative quality.”
“Anger and urgency.”
“Hunted and hounded for sport.”
“Provokes these strong feeelings through his showboating, his behaviour.”
“Territorial ambitions.”
“Designed for 1950s men with wives.”
“Reacted way beyond what the situation called for.”
“Be seen in any form of rainwear.”
“Election depends on peer nomination.”
“Compromised bardic status.”
“Misjudged the competing claims of democracy and authoritarianism.”
“Western orientation.”
“Precipitated a long period of schism.”
“International supervision.”
“Last throw of the dice for their part in history.”
“Post-second World War paper.”
“Lone fantasist.”
“Scurrilous joke.”
“Cutting rebukes.”
“Formal and deferential language.”
“Weep holes.”
“Of some notoriety.”
'Urban Myths' Quotes:
“Womanly concerns.”
“To show that he loved me and not her.”
“The barefaced impropriety.”
'The Cloisters' Quotes:
“Choices were never mine to make.”
“Bound their lives to its caprices.”
“Delightfully petty and fascinated by the most outlandish things-”
“Their performances of power.”
“My, now sadly, inadequate presence.”
“Happily ensconced.”
“Impossible lives I dared not imagine.”
“It was clear no one cared.”
“Overlooked corners.”
“Schivar la noia,”
“Loved secrets and mysteries,”
“The Dominicans were stanchly opposed to tarot decks. We know that Henry III taxeed them in France.”
“The unrelenting march of time forward, away from the person you've lost.”
“He just left us with junk.”
“There had been a time when the house was full of conversation and warmth.”
“Longed desperately to please him,”
“Tarot cards give rise to public scandals.”
“One clue away from greatness,”
“Carte da trionfi.”
“This trash was our joy.”
“Loialte ne peur.”
“Delight in the arcane associations.”
“As if selling organic narcotics to richly dressed women was no big deal.”
“Be conspiratorial.”
“Revered the dead.”
“Medieval calendrial systems.”
'Dr Phil' Quotes:
“Big dreams, none include getting a job.”
“5th time being homeless.”
“Made some very bad decisions.”
“Dead cactus'.”
“Your daughter is isolated in the wilderness with someone you describe as paranoid and armed.”
“Living without housing.”
“Spiritual husband.”
“1/2 mile walk just to get water.”
“Addict infested area.”
“GMO poison filled food.”
“Stair step.”
'48 Hours' Quotes:
“Flourishing over decades.”
“Who that villian is or was.”
“Get this guy out of our community.”
'Faking Hitler' Quote:
“Hitler considered chow chows devious?”
'Bettany Hughes' Treasures Of The World' QuoteS:
“Menaing was lost to later antiquity.”
“Creature of pre-history.”
“Elusive goddess.”
“Life became inpassable.”
“For 10,000 years.”
“Ciphers for history.”
'The Kemps: All True' Quotes:
“Set my goats on you.”
“Riddled with voles.”
“Bum juice.”
“Decade of years.”
Watched 'Gold, Les & Videotape' 1x01: Doc Noss' wife was 10 years older than him. This was a sausage gest. The family rant about how the military took over the land. The story was in 'Rolling Stone'. There is a room of crazy. Doc Noss' account of finding the gold makes no sense. People have exhausted themselves treausure hunting. It is claimed that Doc Noss was 3/4 native. It is claimed that he was a real man. The family are not particularly normal, they are psychotic lunatic people.
The family have a particular reputation. This was tedious. People want to hear they've had an impact. This will all end very badly. It has been a long rough journey to get the gold, which does not exist. There is talk fo a crown. Where is said crown? It is alleged to have belonged to Carlotta of Mexico. It is claimed the gold was stolen by the Apache originally. No Apache speaks.
There is talk of gold bars taken. Intentionally cryptic maps have not been decoded. The family have malice and threat and hostility toward the military. They are absolutely deranged. This was wholly inadequate. They wanted to rile the military into a reaction.
Best Lines:
“Vast government cover up.”
“Call John D Rockerfeller a tramp.”
“National media.”
“The perils of a tidy mind.”
“8 foot hole.”
“Just stuff, old stuff.”
“Jeweller man.”
“Treasure trove law.”
“Godforsaken place.”
“Deep in the bowels of the mountain.”
“Too crazy.”
“Story has been unfolding for almost 90 years.”
“Believed the story he was told.”
“People in our family have died over it.”
“Trying to find out his business.”
“Massive void.”
“40 bucks a day.”
“Cow camp.”
“California coast culture.”
“Over burden.”
“Every crack that was accessible.”
“Too dangerous to access.”
“Good against the world.”
“Checked the old ledgers.”
“Consumed and confounded my family for decades now.”