Love letters from Grandpa-- part 1

Jan 26, 2011 19:32

I discovered a bundle of letters tied up with red ribbon in my Grandmother's cedar hope chest--letters from my Grandfather. As per whittles's suggestion, I'm transcribing them and leaving it public.

This is the first one I read, and by chance, it was the perfect one. :)

All spelling, capitalization, abbreviations &c copied as in the original document.


PFC Bob Wasteney
Marine Detachment
USS Boxer CV-21
c/o FPO, San Francisco

Joyce Diane F--- [appears to be “Farides”]1
461 A Buena Vista
Alameda, California


Sun. Oct. 22, 1949
Somewhere at Sea

Joyce Darling:

Well they sent a plane into Pearl Harbor tonight and picked up some mail. I had 3 letters from you. The first 2 were fine but my heart droped with my stomach when I read the first line of the 3rd one. That one line, "I dont know quite how to start this" made me think "Dear John."

You said that letter was hard to write. Well this one is twice as hard for me. I only hope by the time you get this it isn't too late. Some of my mail probably went off with the plane. I only wish this one had alas. Now you wont get it untill sometime after the first of the month.

Darling I've done a lot of clowning. In fact we've both done a lot of clowning. It usually takes something like this to make me serious2 and I want you to know that I am being serious in this letter and everything I have to tell you is the truth.

You wanted to know how I really feel about you. Darling I'm so in love with you that its got me half-crazy. I realized that more than ever when I took that 3 day leave. With everyone else3 I wouldn't have bothered to go up there In fact it wouldnt have bothered me. You're the only one that's made me feel like this darling and I'm ecstatic now that you are the only one that can. I found out that it isn't the past that bothers me anymore its the future.

You said it all depends on this letter. I don't want it that way darling. I want you to go by what's in your heart4. All I've ever wanted to do was try and make you happy4.

All I can say is that you can't live with someone you don't love and make it work.5 That works both ways honey.

I still have that little [odd?] with the rings on it and I haven't been saving it just to put in my scrap book.

I dont quite gather what you mean about not trusting yourself around Tony6. You say you are lonely. I only wish I could tell you how lonely I am out here hundreds of miles away from you4. I've always been unsettled and confused and couldn't make up my mind about what I've wanted7. You are the first one to change that The only thing I know for certain is that I love you and want you4.

As for Dotty, I've grown to love her just as much. I can't tell you how good it makes me feel when we take her with us and everybody thinks she is mine.

I can't tell you that your husband8 is no damn good and for you not to go back to him9 because I don't know him. He might be a swell guy. I can tell you though that you have to decide for yourself. I want to marry you more than anything else in the world but if you ever do marry me I want it to be because you love me and no other reason.

I only wish I could be telling you this instead of writing it. We could settle it once and for all. Waiting untill I hear from you again is going to drive me crazy.

Well thats it darling. You wanted to know how I feel about you and thats it. All clowning aside and in plain words I love you and I want to be with you always.

I remember you once said we were made for each other. If you weren't kidding think it over before you make your decision

I was going to end this letter soon but I don't want it to stop4. You wanted to know everything so now you're going to have to listen to me rattle off.
Yes darling I did notice the tears when I left. I can see them now just as plain as I was holding a picture in front of me. It sounds crazy and I can't explain it but it made me feel good to see them. It made me feel better than if they hadn't been there when I left. It was the first time I saw them when I ever left and it meant something extra special to me. Maybe you can understand what I mean.

Thats one of the things that makes me lonely out here. I keep seeing things like that. Another time I'll never forget is the night you were lying on the bed. Your head was on the pillow and your hair was spread out and the moonlight was coming in the window. I'll never

forget that so long as I live.4

Well sweetheart that's it. Not all of it because that would take a book to write about. This is the last letter I'm going to write untill I hear what you have decided.

Just remember I don't want you to go by this letter but by what you really feel in your heart and be honest with yourself and make it the right decision. Above everything else I want to see you happy and whatever decision you make I'll still love you--nothing can change that.4

So till I hear from you again darling I leave you with all my love always.

As ever

1I discovered only a couple years ago that my grandmother was married previous to her marriage to my grandfather and that my aunt Dotty was the product of this first marriage, which ended in divorce. This must have been her ex-husband's last name, as her maiden name was Carmean.

2 I sat bolt upright when I read this--I had no idea I had gotten this trait from my grandfather! I deal with everything--EVERYTHING--with humour, to an inappropriate extent, and not infrequently can only be made to be serious by someone getting really genuinely upset after my levity has gone way overboard.

3Be it known that both of my grandparents were awfully popular with the opposite sex. I read my grandmother's diary once, and it read like: "Tuesday: Dear Diary: Tom proposed today. I don't know what to do! Wednesday: Dear Diary: Ned proposed today. I don't know what to say! Thursday: Dear Diary: Harry proposed today. Whatever shall I do?"&c.

4 Swoon.

5 Possibly this indicates she was still with her future ex-husband?

6Ex- or future ex-husband.

7Oh hai thanks for the trait again Grandpapa.

8Well that solves the riddle of 5.

9Alright then: separated, not divorced.

There you have it, folks. Gentlemen, an even more impossible precedent. This is what I meant when I said my father and grandfather have spoiled me for other men--it's a mighty high bar that's set. :D

Next: Nov. 1: This is driving me bats

love letters from grandpa

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