Inspirated out

Mar 03, 2009 18:16

I am full of INSPIRATION! And yet this is a bad thing.

I am currently suffering from Music Paralysis. Every song I hear seems like it would be perfect for either a vid or a dance. And yet, so! many! choices! What works best? What to do first? What to do at all? Vid or dance? Psych or SGA? Belly dance or fusion?


I am very tempted to try out Jonathan Coulton's Thing-a-week strategy, at least with regards to belly dance. I never do choreography unless I have a particular show coming up I need it for. Maybe if I arbitrarily decide, every month I shall post a vid of a new dance, I will actually do some of these dances rattling around in my head? I could even improv them because I need improv practice liek whoa.

Feeling sort of manic at the moment. Perhaps I should go lay down...or ride my bike home to burn off some of this energy...
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