Movie pimping!
I went over to my writing partner's house to hang out and watch movies, and I discovered a new favorite director/screenwriter: Larry Blamire! He's an independent filmmaker, who uses a teeny budget and his collection of actor-friends to make hilarious movies -- I hesitate to call them spoofs, but they're kind of homages to the cliched hilarity of old film genres. They're not parodies, more like the real things turned up to 11.
Example: we watched The Lost Skeleton Returns Again, the action-packed sequel to the epic The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. If you've ever seen 1950s B-movies, this movie will ring so many bells. Hilarious rubber monster costumes, cliched dialogue that doesn't entirely make sense, skulls on fishing lines bonking people to death. EPIC. Here's a clip to give you an idea:
Click to view
The WHOLE MOVIE IS LIKE THAT. IT'S AMAZING. And endlessly quotable. :D :D :D
We also watched Larry Blamire's 1930s haunted-house homage, Dark and Stormy Night, which also had Surprise!Jim Beaver!! C and I both squeed when he turned up in the opening credits! His character was also one of my favorites, since he was the rugged safari guide giving weird advice based on his time "tracking the Rubenesque Laughing Cobra." If you like Clue, you'll probably love this.
They are also really inspiring C and me in our plans to make a movie this summer. :D :D I may poll for story suggestions, since we need to come up with a plot/genre soon...