Repost Of Old Poems

Dec 07, 2006 04:20

My Madness

It's Madness I say,
Madness this way!
Quick, run away!
No wait; come play!
Open your mind.
What'll you find?
Life beyond all of time,
Apples that taste like limes.
Reason causes doubt,
So it's not about.
The dogs this way
always seem to stray.
The cats eat cheese,
The mice have fleas,
And everyone here is gay!
So pluck your plume,
read your runes,
and head on down this way.

House Rules

Who do you think you are?
You're trying to be a star.
Gifts and games may get you in,
but you will never win.
Go ahead and have your fun.
Your fifteen minutes are almost done.
I'll soon be back to run the show,
So pack your bags. Get ready to go.
You've taken advantage of my intermission.
In the end you'll fail your mission.
Nobody wins when they try to play,
And no one ever really gets to stay.
Those are the breaks, kid.
That's how it goes.
The decks are stacked,
The game is rigged,
And DDB always wins.
Do come back and try again.

The Rain

The smell of dust is in the air.
I feel the wind sweep through my hair.
Dark clouds roll like waves.
I see the white flash of lightening
And hear the rumble of thunder.
I count the seconds between.
Another flash from the sky
As the thunder booms louder.
A single drop graces my cheek
As the rain begins to pour.

I'm Sorry

I hurt you,
I know.
I meant to, so...
I'm sorry for this.
I miss your kiss,
Your touch, your smile,
But more than this,
I miss you.
I expected too much.
I requested too little.
I should have asked,
I should have told you
That I need you,
And I love you.


In circles I run,
Just for fun.
On needles I walk,
Whenever I talk.
On glass I lay,
When I drift away,
To dream of places
Without faces
Or fears, or even tears.

It Goes On

Life is like a river.
It goes along,
Flowing so smooth,
Until the floods come.
Then all the little things
Settled and forgotten
Are churned and stirred.
The dam breaks,
The tides rage,
Yet it still flows.
THe old familiars wash away.
New and strange appear and stay,
And yet it goes on.
Then again, so does life...

Sweet Haiku

Last night as I slept,
I dreamt a dream sweet and true.
My dream, it was you.

What's a Girl To Do?

What's a girl to do,
Go to school,
Go to work,
Go to bed with a jerk?
Life is fickle;
Life is funny.
We live in times
That require money.
We work all day
For little pay.
We work all night
To make it right.
No matter what we do,
No matter what we try,
It never is right.
So why even try?

You Are Part of Me

You are in my heart.
You are in my soul.
You are there.
You are part of me.
In every move I make,
In everything I do,
You are there.
You are part of me.
No matter where you go,
No matter what you do,
You will always be
Part of me.

I Asked God Why

I asked God why
You had to die.
He said,"So that I
May understand why
You loved him so."
"We need him!" I cried
"You have him still,
And you always will."
You are in our hearts.
You are in our thoughts,
In every place we go,
In everything we do,
You are now,
And always will be.
We love you, Pop.

A Friend

There once was a girl.
So scared was she
To fall in love
And live happily.
Her heart she kept
Locked deep inside.
Away from the world,
She tried to hide.
Then one day,
She met a boy
Whose heart was pure
And full of joy.
This boy she loved
With all her heart,
But love again
Had missed the mark.
This boy loved her,
But not that way.
A friend she was,
And a friend she'd stay.
Although her heart
Did pine away
For the love
She saw each day.
A friend she was,
And a friend she'd stay.

Alone Again

I lie in bed alone again.
I reach for you.
All I find is air again.
I miss you.
I long to hear your voice again.
I long to feel your touch.
I long to taste your lips again.
I long for you so much.


Must be destiny that gave me you.
The helping hands of fate have played their part.
In time, there blossomed a friendship so true
That healed the pieces of my broken heart.
From friendship to love, these feelings have grown.
The love I have for you, I've tried to hide.
How long I've wanted to tell you what I've known
Of these emotions hidden deep inside.
Somehow the gods knew we were meant to be,
So they joined our souls for eternity

Before God

I stood before God,
My soul bare to see.
I gave unto God
All of my worries.
I knelt before God
With praise and thanks.
I cried from the warmth
Of His loving embrace
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