Just got back from spending the day in Mission (about an hour's drive) with Janna's family for Father's Day here, which was nice. They have a super huge house, it's really nice! They were super nice too. Went to see The Proposal - definitely very chick-flick but still pretty funny, I enjoyed it.
So we now have four people living in this two-bedroom flat!! Oh, and the two cats. Yeah...it's a bit crowded, but we all get along, so hopefully it'll work out. If not I'll just...live under the stairs or something. It'll be fine. I know Janna's kind of stressed about it since she's used to having the place to herself, but we'll deal. I'm going to try and clear out some more room in the cupboards and stuff tomorrow so it doesn't LOOK as crowded with Krystal and Kim's stuff.
Going to go watch Kiwi band
Cut Off Your Hands tomorrow night, which I am hugely excited about!! They're one of my fave up-and-coming bands anyway, it's going to be doubly fun to be one of the token Kiwis in the crowd. Apparently the local band that's opening for them is good too, and they're playing somewhere else on Saturday, so it'll be a sweet chance to see what they're like. Kayla might be coming around early tomorrow afternoon and cutting my hair too, yay!!
Wednesday I'm catching up with one of my old highschool buddies; it'll be nice to see Liv again and see what she's been up to in the past 4 years. Man, so many memories! It'll be sweet. I believe we're doing brunch and a movie, with a metric buttload of talking in the midst. She's living in Langley, which is about 50 minutes drive from here apparently.
Camera screen is still broken but it's taking photos, so here's three I took tentatively to see if I could (excuse the lack of focus and whatnot, not like I could SEE):
That's my Janna! Somebody put the chair on that chessboard, so naturally we had to play on it as we walked by on the way home.
Then she knocked some of the chess pieces over and re-broke them. No worries, though! Somebody will come along with duct tape and fix them back up....again.
This is our favourite garden on 18th. Check out the bitchin' Swamp Monster and Triceratops! BFFF. SO BFFF.
Well, that's about all I really have, I guess. More later. Love ya'll!