gacked from
(this is a stupid meme for me to do since i've really only ever rp-ed in, like, two fandoms, and then only because it was a huge crossover rp, but whatever. i do what i want.) (also this has nothing to do with blaine perfect warbler i just like seeing his face on my lj)
give me a number and i'll answer it:
1. favorite character I’ve played
2. favorite ship I’ve been a part of
3. favorite RP family i’ve been a part of
4. favorite RP friendship i’ve been a part of
5. favorite plot I’ve been a part of
6. my most developed character
7. the best site I’ve ever joined
8. someone in the RP world I’ve always admired
9. someone else’s character that I loved
10. a plot I’ve been wanting to do
11. a ship I’ve been wanting to do
12. a character I’d like to bring back
13. a ship I’d like to bring back
14. the silliest plot I’ve ever done
15. the saddest plot I’ve ever done
16. the most depressing character I’ve ever played
17. the character I’ve played the longest
18. something great that’s happened to me thanks to RPing
19. give me one of my characters along with this number, and I’ll tell you why I love them.
20. give me one of my ships along with this number, and I’ll tell you why I love them.
21. how I got into RPing
22. when I started RPing
23. why I love RPing