Title: I Know Who I Want To Take Me Home
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Spike/Buffy Summers, Xander Harris/Dawn Summers
Categories: fluff, romane, kidfic, pregnancy
Length: Short [1006 words]
Warnings: none
Author/Artist/Creator on LJ: n/a
Author/Artist/Creator Website:
Duck_Life's AO3 Summary: Buffy has to put up with being stuck in the hospital waiting room. Spike has to put up with Buffy.
Review: This is all fluff and humor really and all about the bonds between family and characters. For the most part this short fic is about Buffy stuck waiting with Spike, while Dawn is giving birth and the meeting her new niece.
It's just very lovely written. There is a lot going on in that short moment that says a lot about the characters - from all the reasons why Buffy is nervous in hospitals to how Spike cares for her, and how everyone cares for Dawn and the newest Scoobie. The banter is spot on and just like the show lots of things are said without being spoken out loud, with body language.
For me the naming decision and the explanation tops it all off perfectly, including friends and lovers who are no longer with them, but not forgotten and at the same time not putting that burden on the little baby girl.
It's a very well written piece, exactly the kind of poignant moment I hope to catch a glimpse of in a short fic.
I Know Who I Want To Take Me Home