Title: The Not-So-Cunning Hat
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Jayne Cobb/Mal Reynolds
Categories: humour, slash, fluff
Length: Short, 993 words
Warnings: none
Author on Livejournal: n/a?
Author Website:
Petulantgod on AO3 Summary: Wherein Jayne and Mal are sweet on each other, and Jayne chooses to express that by knitting him a hat. It's not quite as cunning as Jayne's, but it'll do.
--and if you can resist that summary, I feel I have nothing better to offer you, really, but I guess I should write A Rec!, so, onward--
I admit I have a definite weakness for fics that try to capture the character voice this faithfully, I mean, OMG, the voice. Aside from that, Jayne knits, Jayne knits for Mal, and it's freakin' adorable. It's short but when there's so much... Jayne-ness... packed in there, what's really left to say?
The Not-So-Cunning Hat