Title: Bang Bang
Fandom: Marvel’s Daredevil
Pairing: Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson
Categories/Genres:Alternate Universe - Police
Length: 11675
Author/Artist on AO3:
Chuckle Voodoos Summary:“I will actually shoot you, you know.”
“You say that every time.”
Review: If you’re one for wanting Matt Murdock to be happy, this is the fic for you. Matt is so happy, flirty and free while taunting his most favourite innocent cop, you just want to snuggle up to this fic and die happy. It’s a huge contrast with the show and with the comic as Matt Murdock is usually too full of guilt to enjoy anything. Even the writer left this comment at the end of the fic.
Mostly? I just wanted one where Matt wasn't completely miserable.
They definitely succeeded when they wrote Bang Bang.
Bang Bang