Title: How not to attack Harry Hart
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Gary “Eggsy” Unwin/Harry Hart
Categories/Genres: Amnesia
Length: 31812
Author/Artist on AO3:
Everybody wants to hurt Harry Hart. Harry’s really not sure what he’s done to garner such attention.
Where attacking even an amnesiac Harry proves near impossible. This is a romantic comedy with a dose of violence.
I love this fic because it gives so much respect to Harry. My favourite thing about this pairing is that the age difference is barely an issue. They are equals in every way. People should be respected for who they are whether they are really old or really young. Writers sometimes overcompensate with Eggsy by putting too many issues on Harry.
In this fic Harry is put in the vulnerable position of having amnesia yet underneath can’t help but to be his bad ass self. He’s been saving the world for so long that he literally can do it without meaning to. It’s a really sweet fic and gives lots of love to Harry.
How not to attack Harry Hart