Title: And I Would Walk 500 Miles series
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Naruto Uzumaki
Categories/Genres: Reincarnation, Tragedy, Romance, Drama, Family, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe, Humor,
Length: Medium (7738 words)
Warnings: Repeated major character death by way of frequent reincarnation
Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website:
ladywinter Summary:
Wherein Naruto makes a bet with Fate... and death is not the end.
Fair warning, Naruto's many, many incarnations die. A lot. There is a terrible, inescapable tragedy in each little glimpse of their reincarnated lives, a tragedy that 'Fate' explicitly warns of. But by the very nature of contrast, that tragedy makes the eventual romance as unquestionable as the reincarnations are transient.
The characterizations are a lot of fun, particularly in the final chapter, where Sasuke is reincarnated as 'Naruto' and 'Kakashi's' son. Utterly unable to deal with his bizarre parents, he frequently runs away from home, and therefore misses out on learning a great deal of information that he probably should've known about his quite peculiar family.
And I Would Walk 500 Miles series