Title: Just wanna take him home
Fandom: Daredevil
Pairing: Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson
Categories/Genres: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Prostitution - Only mentioned really
Author/Artist on AO3:
Summary:Foggy mostly takes little old ladies to parties doing escort jobs, which he's fine with. Getting hired to spend two hours hugging a lawyer is kind of a departure. He should have known it would all get complicated fast.
Review: I read this pairing before I watched the show. I thought the whole fandom had softened the character’s. I thought they had to have done. No TV show could have character’s this sweet and I had heard the show was violent so it just didn’t mesh as an idea in my head.
The character’s are softened somewhat but not by much and no story got across how their bright smiles make you fall in love. This fic for me is kind of a fantasy played out. Matt is the ultimate hurt/comfort for anyone who loves that kind of thing, for this moment especially.
Foggy knows how to hug tricks, and it isn't how he hugs Matt. He hugs Matt like he hugs his nieces and nephews when they're crying, just gets in his space and wraps him up. Matt stiffens for a second-stupid, Foggy should probably have warned him, it's not like he can see Foggy coming-and then relaxes, clutching on to the front of Foggy's shirt.
Matt Murdock needs a hug and this fic is filled with them.
Just wanna take him home