Heard It Through The Heart Line by EeveebethFejvu (PG-13)

Oct 04, 2015 01:31

Title: Heard It Through The Heart Line
Fandom: Dishonored
Pairing: Gen
Categories/Genres: Alternate Universe, Humor, Crack
Length: Medium (7064 words)
Warnings: N/A

Author on LJ: eeveebethfejvu
Author Website: EeveebethFejvu


The Heart reveals many secrets about the world and the people around Corvo. Sometimes too many secrets.

If Corvo didn't know any better, he might even say the Heart is a bit of a gossip.


Dishonored is a terribly serious game. Certainly not one that comes to mind in association with words like 'humor' or 'punchline'. What little humor there is to be found is usually of the darkly cynical variety, as opposed to the lighter fare of, say, Portal and its sequel.

But with the addition of a single quirk, EveebethFejvu heaps hilarity and horror in equal measure on Corvo Attano's already burdened shoulders. As it turns out, Jessamine Kaldwin is even more of a gossip in death than she was in life.

My appreciation for this fic goes deeper than the admittedly hilarious details that the Heart reveals about the game's cast of characters. By laying bare all their secret thoughts, fictional or no, EveebethFejvu makes a point of reminding us that we are all more than we appear--that behind the transient glimpse of every stranger we pass on the street, or even the familiar face of a neighbor, coworker, friend, or family member, there is a life story that includes the good and bad, the exciting and dull, and any of an infinite combination of sexual proclivities ranging from the mundane to the exceptionally bizarre.

Heard It Through The Heart Line

fandom: dishonored, genre: au, genre: humor, recs by sheepnamedpig, genre: crack, length: medium, pairing: gen

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