Title: Get Off (Me)
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Peter Hale/Stiles Stiliniki
Categories: AU, Domestic, Hurt/Comfort, Romance,
Length: Epic (77k)
Warnings: Rape, Dubious Consent
Author on LJ: gingersnapwolves.tumblr.com
Ao3 Summary: Stiles hates being left behind with Peter while the pack is fighting monsters, because he never knows exactly what Peter will get up to.
Review: This is not my usual rec, there is graphic rape in this. Read with caution. The main relationship starts out somewhat triggery as well.
I don't usually read or rec anything that is this triggery, but KouriArashi is one of my favorite authors and I enjoy Peter/Stiles and their respective snark so I decided to give the fic a try.
I am very glad I did. Despite their relationship's rocky start. Peter and Stile's manage to put together one of the most mutually respecting relationships that I have read. They push each others boundaries, they make mistakes, they are intentionally mean to each other, but that is what makes their relationship what it is. It is so nice to see amoral people getting a realistic relationship of mutual support. Instead of just two people using each other.
tdlr: Read the warnings, and feel free to skip both chapters 8 and 9 if you want to give the fic a try anyway. The first seven chapters can stand alone.
Chapter 8 and 9 deal with rape. Chapter 8 is the chapter that deals with the rape. Chapter 9 deals with the aftermath.You can read the rest of the fic without reading those two chapters. Or skip chapter 8 and just read 9. Which actually discusses realistic after-effects of rape. Do you know how rarely I've actually read a fic that discusses therapy, stopping sex, changing how you have sex, and talking about you triggers? I'm pretty sure Ii could count the fics on one hand.
Get Off (Me)