Being Small by arrow (esteefee) (explicit)

Aug 13, 2015 00:13

Title: Being Small

Fandom: due South
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski
Categories: casefic, adventure, slash, crack
Length: medium, 6234 words
Warnings: none

Author on Livejournal: n/a?
Author Website: arrow (esteefee) on AO3

Summary: Being small is a real education.

Review: For reasons that do not need exploring at this juncture, Ray is now tiny. The reasons do not need exploring because Ray does not want to explain to anyone why he's suddenly the size of an action figure, only minus the Kung Fu grip. But let's just say there was a shrink ray involved (there always is) and no puns, thanks, because this is Not Fun.

So this is my second shrunk!fic rec of the day. This one serves added slashiness with the crack!

I mean, to be absolutely up-front about it, this is bonkers. There are no shrinking rays (ha. ha. HA!) in due South and Fraser is keeping Ray in his belt pouch and feeding him Cheetos. But there is action!tinyRay and arming up for battle at Toys-R-Us, with gratuitous vintage action figure references, and who can resist? So freakin' adorable and so much fun.

I should probably add that the smut happens once the size issue is resolved, although who knows, some of us may be disappointed by that...

Being Small

pairing: fraser/kowalski, fandom: due south, genre: humor, genre: action/adventure, genre: crack, recs by roseveare, length: medium

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