Title: Overheard
Fandom: Person of Interest
Pairing: Root/Sameen Shaw
Categories/Genres: Crack, Established Relationship, Romance, Humor, Outsider POV
Length: Medium (3584 words)
Warnings: N/A
Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website:
winged_mammal Summary:
Root and Shaw have a tendency to forget the commlink is open. John really wishes they wouldn't.
winged_mammal used Outsider POV! It was super effective!
One of the common themes I've observed in Finch/Reese fic is the earwig connection that stays open at all times. Not unprecedented, given that it's been underscored more than once in the show. But as ever when you've got more than two people using the same network, sometimes you accidentally drop a few eaves that were probably best left alone.
Namely, Root and Shaw's very active sex life and all the flirting between them that alludes to it.
Finch and Reese are such champs about the whole thing, which I'm incredibly bemused by. Never once do they complain about the rampant flirting and naked innuendo, nor do they so much as bring it up to either of the women. Rather, they cut off their own ends of the connection when things get a little too.... heated. It's not just a source of titillation and embarrassment, though. Listening in on Root and Shaw through Reese's perspective, we also get a sense of the depth of their relationship.