[that's] my oppurtunity, to feel brave by Sa-kun [Pg-13]

Feb 26, 2015 09:23

Title:[that's] my oppurtunity, to feel brave
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Gen (Derek/Stiles)
Categories: AU, Asexual, Domestic, Friendship, Romance
Length: Medium (15k)

Author on LJ: sa-kun
Website: Sa-kun's Ao3

Summary: After the events of season 1, Derek tries to come to grips with himself and where he stands. Basically, it's 15k of asexy fluff, with self-discovery and coming to terms with yourself and growing and stuff thrown in for good measure.

or: the one where Derek is an asexual potterymaker.

Review: This is a little bit shorter than my usual recs, but it is so rare to find an asexual romance of any length.

The story is an AU starting at the end of the first season where Derek walks away from werewolves and craziness and finds himself again.

Quiet, and sweet, the romance sneaks up on you, but never overwhelms the central theme of Derek's healing and growth.
[that's] my oppurtunity, to feel brave

genre: friendship, genre: romance, genre: domestic, recs by chibifukurou, length: medium, pairing: gen, genre: au, fandom: teen wolf, genre: asexual

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