The One Who Wouldn't by Salvia_G (Pg-13)

Mar 13, 2014 10:58

Title: The One Who Wouldn't
Fandom: Hobbit
Pairing: Thorin/Bilbo
Categories: AU, Hurt/Comfort, Romance,
Length: Medium (11k)

Author on LJ: Salvia_G
Website: Salvia_G

Summary:If Adventures make you late for supper, Soulmates make for missing supper entirely.

In Hobbit society peace and plenty is viewed as more valuable than passion and riches. Marriages are thought best when they're settled, warm affairs between friends. That's why Soulmate marks are thought of as a mark AGAINST a marriage-match...

Dwarves on the other hand, view a soulmate as a blessing from Mahal. If a dwarrow is so lucky as to be born with a mark they spend their life searching for their One. No wealth or jewel is thought of greater value than a soulmate.

So when Thorin and Bilbo meet and see each others marks?...

Review: This is an interesting take on the soul-mates genre. Where almost all Hobbits as a species, have decided that soul-mates cannot be linked in a romantic way. A very similar Bilbo to the one in canon has thoughts that don't quite hobbitish in nature and ends up going on an adventure and falling in love with his Dwarven soul-mate.

With both an interesting concept and great characterization, I really enjoyed this fic. I'm also a sucker for 'everybody lives' AUs.

The One Who Wouldn't

genre: romance, genre: au, pairing: slash, fandom: lord of the rings, genre: hurt/comfort, recs by chibifukurou, length: medium

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