Homicide Love by copperbadge (NC-17)

Mar 12, 2014 21:30

Title: Homicide Love
Fandom: Suits
Pairing: Harvey/Mike
Categories: AU, Dark, Serial Killers, Dysfunctional, Gore
Length: Medium (5,308)
Warnings: Mentions of rape (non-graphic, not involving main characters), Cannibalism, Murders (graphic)

Author on LJ: copperbadge
Author Website: AO3

Author's Summary:
Mike has been waiting all his life for someone who understands -- but Harvey might care too much to survive.

So, so, wrong but I loved it anyway.

Basic premise is that Mike is a sociopath and kills people who are guilty of some sort of crime. It's like a blend of Hannibal and Dexter, where Mike is taught by his father that if he has to kill he should never target the innocent. It's just so interesting. Mike is all calculation and fake smiles and relationships, while he hides this giant secret. He has the same general background as in the show, and he does end up at the same law firm as Harvey, but it's all different now.

Harvey's pretty much the one person Mike seems to care about. Harvey straddles the line between madness and sanity and you're never quite sure the way he falls until later on in the fic.

The fic does get pretty gory and there are blatant mentions of cannibalism and violence. It's a serial killer fic and it doesn't really dress itself up as anything but. If the thought makes you uncomfortable then you should definitely avoid this one.

It's creepy but in the best of ways. It's just so smooth and the serial killer aspect meshes with Mike seamlessly. If you don't mind the premise then you're in for a wild ride.

Homicide Love

fandom: suits, length: medium, genre: au, genre: horror, pairing: harvey/mike, genre: dark, pairing: slash, recs by flyby311

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