On this new Morning by Exeterlinden (NC-17)

Oct 13, 2012 16:26

Title: On this new Morning
Fandom: Shelter
Pairing: Shaun/Zach
Categories: Romance, Drama
Length: Medium (5,220 words)
Warnings: none

Author on LJ: exeterlinden
Author Website: AO3 Account

Summary: Shaun has just left a long-term boyfriend six months ago. The royalty checks from his first book are steadily dwindling. He is on the edge of finishing a book that he sometimes thinks is a work of art and sometimes wildly pretentious - and if it doesn't sell, he can't bear the thought of having to ask his step-dad for money. He's dating a guy who is ten years younger and who is only just coming to terms with being gay. He didn't mean to fall in love this hard and this quickly.

Having rewatched the movie Shelter I decided to take a look at the fandom and the fanficion out there and found this gem that portrays the thoughts of Shaun on the happenings during and after the movie. Exeterlinden manages to give us a glimpse at what might happen after the movie ends. Not everything is perfect, how could it be, but there is the possibility for a life together that promises to be what the two protagonists are hoping and wishing for.

I greatly enjoyed the POV that gives us even more insight in the going-ons and even though the movie is from Zach's point of view, Shaun is the perfect character to tell what is happening after the film ends and Zach's sister has moved to Portland, leaving Cody with his uncle. Unlike the glimpse we got of a happy family in the last few minutes of the movie, the story starts with the struggle to get to that happines and it ends with the first step in the right direction.

On this new Morning

genre: romance, fandom: small fandom, recs by simarillion, genre: drama, pairing: slash, length: medium

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