Tints Verse by Turps33 (R)

Oct 12, 2012 09:31

Title: The One Where Tint's Verse
Fandom: Bandom
Pairing: Gerard/Bob; Frank/Mikey
Categories: AU, Angst, Humor, Friendship, Romance
Length: Epic (64,000)
Warnings: Depression and mentions of past suicide attempts

Author on LJ: turps33
Website: Turps on Ao3

Summary: A MCR AU where Ray has his own gardening firm, and one day he does a job for the Ways.

Review: I could have sworn I recced this months and months ago, but I couldn't find it listed so:

This story is warm and fluffy with just enough angst to keep your teeth from rotting. Everybody has somebody, from Mikey and Frank and their highschool romance, to Ray and Brian and their not quite flirtation, to Bob who takes care of Gerard without smothering him.

Everybody makes everybody else's life better just by being there. And that is AWESOME.

Tints Verse
Podfic: Tints of a Rainbow Hue

genre: friendship, genre: romance, genre: angst, genre: humor, medium: podfic, recs by chibifukurou, genre: au, length: epic, pairing: slash, fandom: bandom

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