Ash the Stablehand by Mithrigil (G)

May 30, 2012 14:06

Title: Ash the Stablehand
Fandom: Fairytale: Cinderella
Pairing: Cinderella(Ash)/Prince(cess)
Categories: Drama, Romance, Cross-dressing, Genderswitch, Yuletide
Length: Medium (2,117 words)
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: mithrigil
Author Website:

The story of a stablehand and his cruel stepfamily.

A re-telling of Cinderella with all characters sexes switched, to interesting effect. I love not only what this story does with sex and gender, but so many other things as well. So much is told in so few words, with a whole world sketched out for the readers to fill. All characters are handled equally; there isn't a wicked stepfamily, but instead a group of people with human motivations a bit of cruelity. My favorite parts are the interactions between Ash and the Herald (some of which is quoted below), where they talk and connect.

I love a good remix of a classic tale, and this one is by far one of my favorites of all, clever and charming and sweet.

The Herald explained that the Crown Princess (the King having lost her brothers in the war) was to select a groom from among the men of the kingdom. She did not wish to be won in a tournament, being disinclined toward marrying simply the strongest man available, but consented to hold court and give a ball that she might converse with these men and thus select her consort. All eligible and interested men of rank in the realm were, thus, invited and encouraged to attend, and so the Herald was to issue the invitation to every estate.

Ash found this very interesting, and asked the Herald how much the princess expected to learn from just one conversation.

The Herald explained that one can learn a great deal from a single conversation-or even from a single question.

Ash the Stablehand
also available as a podfic read by paraka

genre: romance, genre: cross-dressing, genre: genderswitch, medium: podfic, length: medium, yuletide recs, recs by jenna_marianne, pairing: het, fandom: fairytale/mythology, genre: drama

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