Wheel 'n' Deal by icarus_chained (PG-13)

Feb 29, 2012 19:02

Because I'm feeling dreadful (curse you awful headache) and could use a pick-me-up, here's a bonus rec.

Title: Wheel 'n' Deal
Fandom: Dresden Files, Good Omens
Pairing: gen (with background Aziraphale/Crowley)
Categories: Crossover, Humor
Length: Medium (2,770 words)
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: icarus_chained
Author Website: Masterlist of Fic Masterlists /

I was having a bad day. The kind that starts with a baseball bat to the head, and ends with a really smug demon helping you out of a circle.

This story is just sheer good fun. Harry doesn't know quite how to react when the demon he's trapped in a summoning circle with doesn't want to kill him. Crowley, incredibly irritated that his retirement has been interrupted, would rather not piss off his angel or draw any attention to himself, thank you very much, and is more than capable of dealing with a few low-rent cultists.

Harry's perspective on Crowley is priceless, and the crossover is completely believable. It's great fun, though, as with any fic I enjoy, I wish it could have gone on longer.

Wheel 'n' Deal (AO3) (LJ)

recs by jenna_marianne, fandom: dresden files, genre: humor, genre: crossover, fandom: good omens, length: medium, pairing: gen

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