Family Ties by skiesovergideon (PG-13)

Feb 29, 2012 18:44

Thanks to slyprentice for letting me rec in her usual area.

Title: Family Ties by skiesovergideon
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Thor, Avengers
Pairing: gen
Categories: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family
Length: Epic (84,560 words)
Warnings: Minor/Secondary Character Deaths

Author on LJ: skiesovergideon
Author Website:
skiesovergideon /

After his fall from the Bifrost, Loki finds himself taken in by a suburban family and lacking most of his magic. He resolves to escape them as soon as possible. This does not go the way he planned.

When Loki falls from the Rainbow Bridge, he ends up falling into the backyard of a large family in a suburb of Chicago. His magic weakened to almost nothing, he feigns amnesia and hides out with the family. But strange happenings--bizarre creatures from the nine realms are attacking the suburbanites, Loki's magic only works in certain very specific situations, his adoptive family's daughters boyfriend is extremely fishy--pull Loki, his new family, and later Thor and the Avengers into a battle for the whole planet.

Family Ties has the ingredients that make it seem like it could go all wrong; frequently, stories that feature this many original characters, especially ones that "adopt" the fandom woobie, can devolve into out-of-character Mary Sue-ism and/or crack. That is NOT a trap skiesovergideon falls into. Some of the beauty of the story is that certain things I saw as plot-holes and weakness in characterization early on make sense later, and are actually plot points! What starts as a domestic-focused hurt/comfort story evolves into a tight thriller with an action-packed conclusion. The plot is very clever, with a bit of a mystery regarding the strange occurrences and peculiar behavior of suburbanites. The original characters were lots of fun, especially the two teenage siblings Loki takes under his wing, in a very reticent-big-brother way. The best part is the character development; Loki has to deal with the repercussions of the events of Thor while nearly powerless, becomes part of a much less dysfunctional family that Odin et al., and even reconciles with Thor. It's a wonderful post-movie fix-it fic for all you Loki lovers out there.

Family Ties (AO3) ( or at norsekink here

recs by jenna_marianne, genre: action/adventure, fandom: marvel mcu, length: epic, genre: drama, genre: family, pairing: gen

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