The Indelible series by Penumbren (NC-17)

Oct 18, 2011 19:56

Title: The Indelible series.
Fandom: Marvel (616/Noir).
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark.
Categories: Action, Angst, Romance.
Length: Super!Epic (43,825 + 60,971 words).
Warnings: None.

Author on LJ: penumbren
Author Website: Shadows of the Moon

In "Indelible" an accident causes 616!post-deletion!Tony and Noir!Tony to switch places. While Noir!Tony struggles to find his place in a world where all the friends he remembers are wary of him because of events he cannot remember, 616!Tony, certain he has been abandoned, starts building a place for himself through his friendship with Steve. In "A Long Hard Road" Noir!Tony and Noir!Steve try to build a friendship and later a relationship while the twin ghosts of 616!Tony and WWII lurk in the background.

There are not many Noir!verse stories out there, so the fact that most of the action in the series takes place in the 40s was one of the things I liked most about it. Unsurprisingly, though I usually can't get enough of good stories patching Tony and Steve's relationship post-Registration, my favourite parts of the Indelible series take place in the Noir!verse. 616!Tony and Noir!Tony's relationships with Steve are beautifully constructed in very different ways. I love the fact Penumbren manages to make both Tonys dissimilar enough that it shows that they have been affect by their different life experiences, yet still managing to make them similar enough that the fact that they are both versions of one person is never in doubt.

All in all, this is a very long, very well written series that delivers a lot of ultimately satisfying emotional upheavals.

A Long Hard Road

fandom: marvel comics, genre: romance, recs by slytherin_gypsy, genre: angst, length: super!epic, pairing: steve rogers/tony stark, genre: action/adventure

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