Sweater'Verse by Chandri MacLeod (NC-17)

Sep 13, 2011 22:43

So apparently last week's story had been recced by someone else a long time ago... *Facepalms* The drawbacks of having 1800+ recs... Here's another SGA fic to make up for it.

Title: Sweater'Verse
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis/Murder She Wrote.
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Categories: Angst, Crossover, Family,  Fluff, Romance.
Length: Long.
Warnings: None.

Author on LJ: chandri
Author Website: Fantasi.net

Rodney's great aunt knit him a sweater with whales in it after he moved to college - it's a sign of how deep he has fallen that John can't stop thinking about him in it. Meeting her is a treat - especially when she turns out to be mystery novelist Jessica Fletcher.

I love great crossovers and Chandri certainly accomplished this with this 'verse. Jessica Fletcher being Rodney's aunt is not merely a random plot device - the back story between the characters is well thought out and works quite well. Though I also like the development of John and Rodney's relationship (particular John's genuine love for the cardigan sweater), to me Mrs. Fletcher really does steal the show whenever she appears.

Series Page

genre: romance, fandom: small fandom, genre: angst, genre: crossover, pairing: mckay/sheppard, length: long, fandom: stargate atlantis, recs by slytherin_gypsy, genre: fluff, genre: science fiction, pairing: slash, genre: family

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