Not That Terrible by poisionivory and mizzmarvel (PG)

Sep 02, 2011 15:08

Title: Not That Terrible by poisonivory; Hyuck by mizzmarvel, etc.
Fandom: Disney’s House of Mouse
Pairing: Max/Louie
Categories: Humor, Romance
Length: Medium
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: poisonivory, mizzmarvel
Website: n/a

Max and Louie have their first date…at the House of Mouse, because they are apparently not very bright.

This series of short fics by poisonivory and mizzmarvel is an absolute treat for those of you who like unusual pairings or are just fans of Disney. Beginning with Max (Goofy’s son) and Louie’s (Donald Duck’s nephew) ill-advised first date at the House of Mouse, each story is loosely connected by a common thread - i.e. Max and Louie’s growing relationship - and gives the reader a quirky, and oft times silly, look into how they first met, became friends, and then developed crushes on each other. Though none of the stories are particularly long, each of them still manages to add a unique flavor to this already unique pairing and give the reader a peek into the insanity that is these Disney characters' lives.

Not That Terrible, Hyuck, Recruitment Drive, Job Prospect, Fazed

genre: romance, fandom: small fandom, genre: humor, pairing: slash, length: medium, recs by slyprentice

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