The Quickest Way to Ruin a Friendship by arsenicjade (NC-17)

Aug 31, 2011 13:51

It has been such a pleasure reccing at epic_recs for the past year, but all good things must come to an end. This is my last rec.

I've finally made the step to actually writing fanfic, and as much as I'd love to continue reccing, I cannot do both.

Thanks for reading and take care!


Title: The Quickest Way to Ruin a Friendship
Fandom: Bandom
Pairing: Brendon/Jon/Ryan/Spencer in various iterations (mention of Brendon/OMCs and Ryan/OMCs)
Categories: angst, drama, hurt/comfort, virgin
Length: Epic (~41,000 words)
Warnings: non-sexual child abuse, violence

Author on LJ: arsenicjade
Author Website: stories by arsenicjade

Ryan doesn’t want to like Brendon’s voice. After all he really doesn’t like Brendon. But the thing is Brendon is it. Brendon’s their chance of actually making it. At least, that’s what Spencer thinks.

This is a kind of ‘Making of’ fic for Panic! Only with a lot more group sex than reality. Generally this premise is not quite my cup of tea, but Arsenic is able to make any plot worth reading.

The relationships and friendships in this are so perfectly brittle. Ryan, especially, is this combination of spun glass and wrought iron that just blows me away. I really love that Arsenic kept this story about the band. She could have added more characters, perhaps it would have even been more realistic, but the fact that she was able to focus on these five people really made this story tight.

The Quickest Way to Ruin a Friendship

genre: angst, genre: hurt/comfort, recs by cheetahanabel, genre: virgin, genre: drama, length: epic, fandom: bandom, pairing: slash, pairing: threesome

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