Title: A How-To Guide to Love and Marriage, for People Who Hate Both
Fandom: Big Bang Theory/Wizards of Waverly Place
Pairing: Justin/Penny, Alex/Dean, Harper/Zeke
Categories: Crossover, Family, Post-Canon, Romance,
Length: Medium (17,500)
Warnings: Vague mentions of characters introduced in season 3 of WoWP. Spoilers up to but not including 4x24 of BBT.
Author on LJ:
misfit_fandoms Summary: When Justin went off to college, he thought he might actually be able to strike out on his own. Yeah, right. No matter where he goes, Alex is always going to rain down her own special kind of insanity on him.
Review: After loosing the Wizard Competition to Max, Justin decides to make the most of his life in the Mortal World. He starts his new life by moving out to California with Zeke. It doesn't take long for Alex, Max, and Harper to follow.
Boom has an amazing wizards of waverly voice, particularly when it comes to the gekeker elements of the show. Cracky, off-color, and most especially geeky humor is hard to write. Much less write well, but Boom does an amazing job.
You don't have to know much about the Big Bang Theory to enjoy this fic, but it will certainly help with the in jokes. As a Wizards fan I greatly enjoyed the in-jokes and allutions to canon that pepper the story and I trust that Boom would do an equally admirable job with the Big Bang Theory.
While the story starts out about Justin and his attempts to find a new life for himself, Alex steals the show as she tries to come to grips with her past romantic mishaps and discover a life out in the world she spent her whole teenage life trying to experience.
The fic is a meandering, wander through the Russo family life, part slice of life and part coming of age story. Because of its' format and necessarily slow pacing it's not for everyone but it's definitely worth giving a chance.
A How-To Guide to Love and Marriage, for People Who Hate Both