Title: Game On
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing: Ed Elric/Roy Mustang (plus Ed/everyone else…ever)
Categories: humor, jealousy, oblivious, family, post-canon, light angst
Length: long (~28,000 words)
Warnings: chan (Ed is 17)
Author on LJ:
lightgetsinAuthor Website:
AO3 Summary:
“Ed loses his virginity, and then his inhibitions. Roy loses his mind.”
Generally speaking I’m not the hugest fan of manga-centric fic. It’s one thing reading fic based on books where you really don’t know what any of the characters look like, but it’s entirely another thing trying to read fic about characters whose eyes are bigger than their hands. That being said, lightgetsin does a fantastic job of making a believer out of me.
The really fantastic thing about this series is the fact that it has all of the humor of the anime/manga plus. The humor is just as funny as Fullmetal Alchemist with tons of in-show jokes, plus adult humor. Roy’s jealousy is so perfect it’s not even funny. Al and Ed’s interactions are spot-on.
Anyone who has even a slight interest in Fullmetal Alchemist should give this a shot. It’s a fun fast read full of sharp dialogue and a hilarious relationship.
Game OnPlay to WinA Game for Two Players