Paper Chase by sam_storyteller (PG-13)

Jul 23, 2011 17:08

Forgive me for not posting yesterday, the heat knocked out our power (thank goodness for emergency repair services!). Posting on behalf of jane_elliot:

Title: Paper Chase by sam_storyteller (PG-13)
Fandom: White Collar/Sherlock BBC
Pairing: gen, with innuendo
Categories: humor, adventure, drama, crossover
Length: Medium (~9,200 words)

Warnings: n/a

Author on DW:

Sherlock (and John) and Peter (and Neal) are drafted to help find a serial killer who is targeting artists. Then someone gets a bright idea about pitting the ultimate escape artist against the world's only consulting detective. Hijinks ensue.

This fic is simply a joy to read, as everyone involved is mostly having a bundle of fun (even when there's a serial killer to catch -- thanks, Sherlock!) The Sherlock vs. Neal chase is brilliant all by itself and the character interactions delightful. Highly entertaining and very satisfying.

Paper Chase

fandom: sherlock bbc, genre: humor, genre: crossover, genre: action/adventure, fandom: white collar, length: medium, pairing: gen, genre: drama, recs by jane

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