Title: For Keeps
Fandom: Bandom
Pairing: Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross preslash, Brendon/OMC
Categories: angst, AU, drama, family, holiday, hurt/comfort, preslash, virgin, cross-dressing in a sense
Length: Long (~20,000 words)
Warnings: physical and verbal abuse by a parent, non-con sex with all of its ramifications, use of the word rape
Author on LJ (fiction LJ):
smallactsAuthor Website: n/a?
Brendon’s the youngest of five children, so he’s used to hand-me-downs. When he gets something from one of his brothers or sisters, he doesn’t see the stains or the tears or even the worn out places, he sees what it could become. That’s kind of what it’s like when he first really sees Ryan. He knows Ryan’s worn down in places and just plain defeated at times, but he also can see how well the two of them could fit together.
This is one of the most beautiful, lyrical stories I’ve ever read. It’s simply breathtaking how the boys’ relationship builds. The second half of this story leaves me weeping every time. This is one of the most accurate post-non-con stories I’ve read. The supporting characters, too, are oh so perfect. There is nothing about this story not to love.
For Keeps