Inner Child by Bella Temple (PG-13)

Jun 11, 2011 20:28

Posting on behalf of jane_elliot:

Title: Inner Child by Bella Temple
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Gen
Categories: crack, humor
Length: Medium (~3,500 words)

Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: bellatemple

Dean switches bodies with a thirteen-year-old girl. *snerk*

What can I say? If you like the idea of Dean being possessed by a thirteen-year-old girl, you'll find this hilarious. If not, well, you probably won't. Fortunately I'm in the former camp, and I grinned the whole way through.

Inner Child

genre: humor, recs by jane, genre: crack, fandom: supernatural, length: medium, pairing: gen

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