Title: Decimation by waldorph
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Categories: AU, Genderswap, Humor, Friendship, Romance
Length: Medium
Warnings: n/a
Author on LJ: n/a
Website: n/a
Spock is pretty much doomed the minute Jane realizes that the fatshirt is incredibly slutty and also regulation.
I won’t deny that over the last few years my love of genderswap stories has really gone out the window - it’s been done, a lot - but there’s something kind of wonderful about Kirk in any gender that makes me feel like it’s okay to go back to the days when I read genderswap fics like they were candy for my heart. Which this one is. Completely.
Filled with humor, short skirts, and enough marriages to make it legal in any universe, Decimation is the kind of feel good fic that leaves you laughing out loud and shaking your head. That the author doesn’t steer clear of any of the bigger Kirk-as-a-girl clichés (you know the ones) makes it all the better, at least in my opinion, and adds to the sheer ridiculousness that the author is obviously shooting for. Though this might not be everyone’s cup of tea, I definitely recommend it if you’re looking for a lighthearted and funny read between lengthy epics.