Title: Can’t Point the Way to Your Heart
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Jared/Sandy
Categories: angst, AU, first time m/m, fluff, romance
Length: Long (~33,000 words)
Author on LJ:
belysteAuthor Website:
Fic sticky Review:
When Jared falls for Sandy, Jensen’s called in to help the guy figure out how to get the girl. Theoretically, it should be all good. Jensen’s great at planning, great at match-making, truth be told. Only, usually he doesn’t fall for the guy.
This is one of the cutest fics I’ve ever read. Both Jensen and Jared are so sweet it’s impossible not to like them. At the same time, this is plenty angsty. The premise is made of angst, and although Belyste doesn’t draw it out, it’s still represented to the full. All in all, a great AU fic.
Can’t Point the Way to Your Heart