Code 69 - by The Fourth Vine and makesmewannadie (NC-17)

Jul 10, 2010 07:21

Title: Code 69 by The Fourth Vine and makesmewannadie
Fandom: Men In Black
Pairing: J/K
Categories: Comedy
Length: Medium (4,912 words)
Warning: None
Rating: NC-17

Author on LJ: My Shame Is TL:DR and The Artist Formerly Known As makesmewannadie
Website: makesmewannadie on AO3 thefourthvine's work is all indexed at her LJ.

Summary: "We have a skimmer in San Francisco, and our field agent out there suspects a Code 69. Get out there and fix it, gentlemen. I don't want a repeat of the Zygen swarm incident."

Review: An alien Star Destroyer is in San Francisco and broadcasting pheromones to attract its mate. Well, you've all seen and read enough science fiction to know what this means, right? Every sentient creature within a significant radius is affected by an overwhelming desire to have sex - and that includes MiB agents. When everyone and everything around them starts rutting uninhibitedly ("Kay, I don't want to be the one that's got to tell you this, but it's San. Fran. Cisco.") and the tablets and hazmat suits from Field Kit X don't work, there is absolutely no chance of J and K remaining unaffected - and yet they must get very close to the source of the disturbance in order to evict the male Star Destroyer from the planet before the female comes to mate with it ... and gobbles up the Sun for dessert.

This could have gone the way of a thousand or more 'Aliens made us do it' scenarios - and indeed the aliens did make them do it - but Code 69 stands out (ahem) from all others of its type by virtue of being superbly funny and having absolutely the best J voice you can possibly imagine. ("He ignored the passing bike messenger (though damn, the guy was talented if he could jack off and still hit that kind of speed on a bike) and headed in the direction of the signal.") It is wry and beautifully observed, and masterfully written. It's not flawless, but then what is? It's also incredibly slick and stylish, like J himself, and it captures to perfection both his bewilderment at suddenly finding his partner sexually attractive and his determination to be on top next time ... because J, like those of us out here in fandomland, is only too well aware that there will, inevitably, be a 'next time'!

Diverting and delightful, this story is highly recommended to anyone with a sense of humour - i.e. anyone at all!

Link: Code 69

fandom: small fandom, recs by theficklepickle, genre: humor, pairing: slash, length: medium

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