Worlds in Conjunction by Marylane (PG)

Jun 06, 2010 18:19

Title: Worlds in Conjunction
Author: Marylane
Rating: PG
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Doctor/Rose
Category/genres: drama, action/adventure, what-if, romance
Length: Medium (5,000 words)
Warnings: Spoilers through Doomsday, but few specifics. Set sometime after “Love & Monsters”
Author's Website / LJ name / Links: Read it here!

Author's Summary: The Doctor makes a slight miscalculation. Written for Wendymr for the Rose Tyler Ficathon. She wanted Rose making hard choices; the Doctor getting something disastrously wrong - with consequences; & Doctor/Rose romance of some sort; and she didn’t want Reinette.

Review: This fic is truly one-of-a-kind, which in the Doctor Who fandom is incredible in itself. I don’t even know how the author would conceive of this plot, it’s so intricate and beautiful, optimistic and sad. Rose is strong, brave, loving yet independent in this fic, hopelessly in love with the Doctor but at the same time accepting that she, herself, has power and responsibility to maintain balance in the universe. She is beautifully depicted, and her decisions in the events that follow are written with incredible grace and gritty realism. It’s AMAZING.

I don’t want to spoil anything further, but suffice to say that if you love Rose Tyler, you have to read this fic. Done deal, signed and sealed.

genre: romance, fandom: dr who, recs by k_puff, genre: action/adventure, pairing: doctor/rose, length: medium, genre: au, genre: drama

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