Disclosure by Your Cruise Director (PG-13)

Jun 05, 2010 06:16

Title: Disclosure by Your Cruise Director
Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing: Josh/Matt Santos
Categories: Pre-slash
Length: 1007 words
Warning: None
Rating: PG-13 at most

Author on LJ: Your Cruise Director's Log - Friends Only but with links
Website: Archived at The Big Block of Cheese

Summary: Matt Santos didn't answer Josh Lyman's question about whether he had ever had marital problems.

Review: This particular pairing is as rare as rocking-horse poop, so despite the fact that it is extremely short and doesn't go into a lot of detail this story is an absolute Must See for the fandom.

All that happens is that Josh asks Matt Santos - his guy, his chosen Presidential candidate - whether he has ever been unfaithful to his wife. In canon this was a pivotal moment between them and established their relationship of trust; here, it opens the way to a whole lot more - because Santos's answer is not at all what he has been expecting.

Some stories leave you wanting more, and in a way this one does exactly that; it is only 1,000 words, after all. On the other hand, it is so precisely poised at the tipping-point, with Josh only just beginning to understand that his feelings for Santos may go way beyond their straightforward functional roles of candidate and campaign manager, that adding anything else would spoil it. I like to think of the two of them perpetually balanced at the moment of revelation, with Josh forever wondering exactly what he is getting into; poor Josh, his life will never be the same again.

This is a perfect little gem of a story that all West Wing slash fans - even dyed in the wool Josh/Sam aficionadoes - should go out of their way to experience for themselves. It will well reward your time.

Link: Disclosure

recs by theficklepickle, genre: pre-slash, fandom: west wing, length: short, pairing: slash

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