The Sleeping Prince by Who La Hoop (PG-13)

May 21, 2010 12:49


Title: The Sleeping Prince by Who La Hoop
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Snape
Categories: humor, drama, amnesia (via deaging), virgin, EWE
Length: Epic (~41,600 words)
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: who_la_hoop 
Website: n/a

Post-death-of-Voldemort, Snape is discovered to not be dead, but in a coma. A couple of weeks later, a mysterious cure comes from Dubmledore (beyond the grave, no less) that manages to wake Snape up. Unfortunately (or not, depending on your perspective) Snape doesn't quite wake up his old 38-year-old self.

I'm a huge fan of Harry and Snape being the same age when they hook up. At the same time, I don't particularly care for most time travel fics (as I have no interest in the Marauder era). Thus this fic makes me squee with joy, because it hits my kink perfectly: Severus and Harry are both eighteen for the bulk of this fic and it is as teenagers that they slowly (very slowly) become friends and then something more.

The characterizations are also particularly good. I love Ron, who is awkward but fully supportive; Hermione, who is mostly all-knowing and the perpetual champion of the underdog; Harry, who has no idea what to do with his new-found emotions, and mostly opts to be terrified; and Severus, who is actually *more* snarky and snappish as a teenager than he was as an adult.

If you like deaging fics and/or are a fan of Harry and Snape starting a relationship as emotional equals, this is definitely the fic for you.

The Sleeping Prince

genre: humor, fandom: harry potter, genre: virgin, genre: drama, length: epic, recs by jane, pairing: harry/severus, genre: amnesia

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