How Crowley Fell Out of Love with the Bentley by Moczo (PG)

May 21, 2010 12:47


Title: How Crowley Fell Out of Love with the Bentley by Moczo
Fandom: Good Omens
Pairing: gen with a side of innuendo
Categories: crack, humor
Length: Medium (~5,800 words)
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: n/a
Website: n/a

Crowley learns many things in this fic, including: what happens when you put a Best of Queen tape in the glove compartment of the Bentley. What happens when a duke of Hell suddenly remembers that, oh yes, he had planned on getting revenge on Crowley after that whole Apocalypse debacle. And, most of all, he learns why he should Never Ever interfere with Aziraphale's bookshop.

This is just a big old bundle of laugh out loud cracky nonsense. If you like your Arrangement full of innuendo, your Aziraphale capable of both calmly serving tea to Hastur and also belting out Sound of Music songs to terrorized plants, and your Crowley just a little too curious for his own good, this is definitely the fic for you. Great fun.

How Crowley Fell Out of Love with the Bentley

genre: humor, recs by jane, fandom: good omens, genre: crack, length: medium, pairing: gen

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