Acquired Taste, by Chibi-Trillian (PG-13)

Apr 30, 2010 12:53

Title:  Acquired Taste
Fandom:  One Piece
Pairing:  Smoker/Zeff (I know!)
Categories:  humor, romance, pre-canon
Length:  Medium [~6,500 words]
Warnings:  n/a

Author on LJ:  chibi_trillian 
Website:  n/a

Summary:  A decade before the main action of One Piece: when a pirate chef meets a Marine, a bad hilarious time is had by all.

Review:  This story is a fun take on an unlikely slash pairing... a pairing that would never have occurred to me, but which the author makes surprisingly plausible (and hot).  Chibi-Trillian does a great job fleshing out the characters and keeping their behavior within the One Piece tradition of zany-ness.  It's a good story to read at any point after you have "met" both characters in canon, as it is set before the canon storyarcs begin, and does not spoil any of the future events.

Acquired Taste   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Epilogue

recs by trace_by_echo, genre: romance, genre: humor, length: medium, genre: pre-canon, fandom: one piece

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